Need help?
Whether you are the target of acts of bullying, a witness, the perpetrator of such acts, or someone close to the situation, there are many resources available to help you.
General resources:
Specific resources:
Kids Help Phone : 1-800-668-6868
Kids Help Phone, an organization for youth, is a professional consultation and information service provided 24/7 everywhere in Canada. -
Tel-Jeunes : 1-800-263-2266 │ Texto : 514-600-1002
- SOS Suicide Jeunesse : 1-800-595-5580
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans (LGBT) people:
Interligne, a free and confidential telephone help and referral line: 1-888-505-1010
Aide aux trans du Québec, (ATQ) offers a telephone help line and a support group for transsexuals: 514 254-9038
West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre offers help and guidance for young LGBTs and people close to them as well as evening discussions for young LGBTs: 514-794-5428
- The Groupe de recherche et d’intervention sociale (GRIS) organizes demystification workshops in schools in various regions of Québec. Some also offer listening and support services to youth ages 14 to 25 and their parents.
Project 10
, an organization that offers a telephone help line, individual counselling sessions and discussion groups for young LGBTs ages 14 to 25: 514-989-4585 -
AlterHéros : 514-360-1320
Centre de solidarité lesbienne : 514-526-2452
People with disabilities and their families:
Domestic violence:
Various ways to report bullying
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